“I coach a young youth sailing team that was having a lot of difficulty staying hydrated on the water and eating well between races. They often felt sluggish and performed worse after eating. No matter how much I emphasized the importance of staying hydrated and eating the right foods for sustained energy, it wasn’t completely sinking in. A friend referred me to Meka. She was able to take the time and come in and talk to the kids for an hour and I think they’re finally starting to catch on! She used great visual aids and a lot of the presentation was hands on. The kids visually got to see the amount of sugar in common foods that are sometimes even thought of as healthy and the amount of water in different foods. She then had the team perform exercises to demonstrate how sugary foods affect energy levels. It really seems like this was a breakthrough weekend for the team and hopefully will translate into their lives on and off the race course! Thank you Meka!”